
After Sex: What Do You Do After Sex?

After Sex: What Do You Do After Sex?

Post-Coitus, Post Boom-Boom, When The Naughty Party Ends…however you want to refer to it… I’m curios about what happens after sex. The “after sex part” is something that isn’t referred to much, but shouldn’t it be? So where’s the appreciation of after sex?

Black and Brown Communities, Title X and Trump | A Slap In the Face

Black and Brown Communities, Title X  and Trump | A Slap In the Face

Title X, people of color’s reproductive health, and Trump - how have they all become entangled, and what does it all mean? Timely (sadly) as it is, this week of Women’s History Month, we are focusing on the challenge to Title X, understanding the facts, and getting real about how it effects reproductive health in our communities and our right to access and body ownership.

Sex Talk with the Aunties

Sex Talk with the Aunties

One of the most intimidating things can be talking with an older family member about sex, but it doesn’t have to be. Dialogue about sex with older people in your family can be freeing, if they have the right intentions and ask thoughtful questions.  Check out D’s experience and how refreshing and empowering “the sex talk” can be.

I Can't Orgasm: How My Orgasms Got Better With Practice

I Can't Orgasm: How My Orgasms Got Better With Practice

Orgasms don’t just happen. They require an understanding of your body, patience in mind, and pleasure in the moment. I could not enjoy a penetrative orgasm for a long time. That is not longer the case. Hit the link and see why.