black women

Sex Talk with the Aunties

Sex Talk with the Aunties

One of the most intimidating things can be talking with an older family member about sex, but it doesn’t have to be. Dialogue about sex with older people in your family can be freeing, if they have the right intentions and ask thoughtful questions.  Check out D’s experience and how refreshing and empowering “the sex talk” can be.

Summer Sex for People of Color

Summer Sex for People of Color

Black people! Summer is sizzling up and your body may be too. Here are some tips for sex fun that keeps our sexual health in mind!

My First Time - Pierre

My First Time - Pierre

As we continue to focus on "My First Time" experiences, Pierre's recollection of his virginity trade in continues to expand perspective on the knowledge and interest in sex we have as teenagers.

Low Libido : 7 ways to Re-ignite Your Libido and Sex Drive

Low Libido : 7 ways to Re-ignite Your Libido and Sex Drive

Lowered libido?  Hard to get in the mood? Here are 7 ways to lock in and increase your libido.