black men

Doubt in a Relationship | Sex and Relationships0

Doubt in a Relationship | Sex and Relationships0

Doubt is a serious S.O.B. We all know it, its annoying, an we are over it! All The FUQs is addressing the doubt in a relationship that we have all experienced, sexual, romantic, or friendly and how you can address it.

Lost Libido in Men|Expectations Put on Men

Lost Libido in Men|Expectations Put on Men

A lost libido is just one of the many natural and normal things that happen to men that are rarely discussed. Often by those of the same and opposite gender, we are pressured to an unbelievable and unnecessary standard. This week I mention, how we do this to men.

Bonnets in Bed - The Addendum

Bonnets in Bed - The Addendum

Last week we asked is black hair bed rituals bad for sex in bed? Now we are asking, should it be? Your hair, your say. Check the link for more!

Bonnets in Bed - Is A Bedtime Headscarf Bad For Sex?

Bonnets in Bed - Is A Bedtime Headscarf Bad For Sex?

When it comes to hair and sex, people of color know things can get a little complicated because we need to wrap our hair before bed. Whether you are rocking cornrows, a fro, a weave, or just looking to keep your waves right, AllTheFUQs is here to help you be practical and sexy at the same time.